
Fumigation: Benefits From The Ground Up

With potatoes, crop quality sells the crop. However, crop production efficiency is what secures a sustainable farming operation. The health of the soil in which you’re planting your crops has one of the most influential impacts on crop quality and production efficiency. We are here to help you grow more, quality potatoes.

Pre-plant soil fumigation treatment with Strike is the first step in a successful soil health and pest management system.

Reduced soil borne disease and increased beneficial soil micro populations following Strike soil treatment leads to:

  • Improved Quality
  • Shorter Rotation
  • Reduced Inputs
  • Soil Health

Verticillium | Common Scab| Rhizoctonia | Collototricum | Fusarium | Pythium | Phytophthora | Lesion Nematodes

Soil fumigants are applied two to four weeks before the crop is planted. Formulations can be used on their own or co-applied with other fumigants. One pass and you are done – helping with residue management for erosion control, reduced application costs, lower pounds of active ingredient which can positively affect bufferzone allowances, a shorter plant back window, and broad-spectrum efficacy.

Real Field Results

CASE STUDY: 2018 Aroostook County, Maine Shepody Soil Fumigation Trial.

Shepody is a short-season russet-skinned variety used for early season processing. Shepody has many of the needed processing characteristics, however, it is notoriously known for a relatively low poor set and low yield. In 2018 in Aroostook County, Maine, Shepody was planted in a grower standard production system (non-fumigated) and ground that had fall applied Strike 85 (115 lb Strike 85/A). Potato plants grown in the Strike 85 treatment produced 80 and 75 cwt/A more total and marketable yield compared to potato plants in the grower standard treatment. Plants in the Strike 85 treatment produced 40 cwt/A more yield in the greater than 10 oz. size class. These yield increases were driven by a set increase in plants in the Strike 85 treatments. These plants produced 16,700 more tubers in a marketable class compared to plants in the non-fumigated areas. Plants grown in Strike 85 produced more tubers plant which translated into an increase of 75 cwt/A turning a relatively poor yielding, early-season, processing variety into a better economic proposition.

Aroostook County, Maine
September 8, 2016

Aroostook County, Maine
September 23, 2016

Table 1. Shepody Yield Data (cwt/planted A) for a 2018 Soil Fumigation Trial in Aroostook County, Maine

Treatment Stems/Plant Specific Gravity Culls <1 7⁄8″ 1 7⁄8″ – 6oz 6 – 10oz Bonus >10oz GRD 1
1 7⁄8″ – 10oz
Mkt Yield Total Yield
Bedded – Non-Fumigated 3.1 1.086 0.0 16 83 120 56 203 259 274
Bedded – 115 lb ai Strike 85/A 3.0 1.080 0.0 20 109 129 95 238 334 354
Difference 0.0 0 0.0 4 26 9 40 35 75 80
T-Test (p value) 0.077 0.225 0.059 0.570 0.028 0.069 0.000 0.000

Table 2. Shepody Yield Data (tubers/planted A) for the 2018 Soil Fumigation Trial in Aroostook County, Maine

Treatment Stems/Plant Culls <1 7⁄8″ 1 7⁄8″ – 6oz 6 – 10oz Bonus >10oz GRD 1
1 7⁄8″ – 10oz
Mkt Yield Total Yield
– 1,000 tubers/A –
Bedded – Non-Fumigated 3.1 0 17 30 25 7 55 62 79
Bedded – 115 lb ai Strike 85/A 3.0 0 22 39 27 12 67 79 101
Difference 0.0 0.0 5 9 2 5 12 16.7 21.6
T-Test (p value) 0.077 0.277 0.049 0.504 0.028 0.026 0.001 0.016

Treated vs. Untreated

Treated Potato Field

Treated Potato
Untreated Potato

Untreated Potato

Every grower has a different need. Every grower has a different disease pressure. The prescribed treatment is specified to each scenario.

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We specialize in a well-rounded and complete fertility program designed for potato production.

Dry Fertilizer: Ground Control Command

Ground Control Command is a poly-coated dry fertilizer, provided by Haifa, can be customized for any analysis and coated from 1-16 months. It offers a more uniform extended release and leaching protection.

The poly-coated fertilizers release plant nutrients slowly and continuously throughout the growth cycle. A single application of GC-Command controlled release fertilizer will supply optimal levels of nutrients for an extended period of time.

Liquid Fertilizer: Liberty Acres

Liberty Acres Fertilizer fertigation grade liquid fertilizer blends supply all key crop nutrients in a single blend that is compatible in a micro-irrigation system.

Label PDF Download

Foliar Nutrition: Metalosate Powered by Albion Technology

Balchem’s Metalosate Powered by Albion Technology uses natural amino acids to chelate the minerals. They are rapidly absorbed, translocated, and metabolized by plants upon application.

  • Supports vine growth
  • Maximizes tuber set & bulking
  • Increased skin firmness and quality
  • Longer shelf life
Foliar Nutrition Potato Program

Foliar Nutrition: Potato Program

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Potato Equipment

View our equipment that has been built and tailored to fit almost any need.