Haygrove Tunnels

About Haygrove Tunnels
TriEst is now working with Haygrove in the United States.
Haygrove designs and manufactures field scale commercial polytunnels, substrate, and associated growing systems for many of the best growers in the world. They aim to constantly improve growing systems for the benefit of the customer by understanding the commercial pressures of growing themselves. This makes Haygrove the perfect fit for a partnership as we at TriEst are always striving to offer growers innovative options and solutions that protect crops, people, and the environment.
Field Scale Polytunnels
- Dimensions per tunnel:
- 2.75m (9ft) leg
- 2.5 (8.2ft) to 3m (10ft) leg spacing
- 8.5 (28ft) to 9.6m (32ft) bay

Tunnel Growing Systems

Container Growing Systems
- Allows for precision irrigation and improved field hygiene
- Helps to reduce temperature and humidity fluctuations for advantageous growing conditions
- Effectively manage the climate within the tunnel and extend the growing season
- Sturdy structure provides protection against windy conditions
- Available in a range of bay widths to suit plant container spacing

Bedded Growing Systems
- Allows for precision irrigation and improved field hygiene
- Helps to reduce temperature and humidity fluctuations for advantageous growing conditions
- Effectively manage the climate within the tunnel and extend the growing season
- Sturdy structure provides protection against windy conditions
- The structure follows the natural contours of the ground, mitigating the need for site levelling or concrete foundations
- Available in a range of bay widths to suit plant bed row spacing
- Widths allow tractor access for bedding and transplanting

Hanging or Post Growing Systems
- Allows for precision irrigation and improved field hygiene
- Helps to reduce temperature and humidity fluctuations for advantageous growing conditions
- Effectively manage the climate within the tunnel and extend the growing season
- Sturdy structure provides protection against windy conditions
- The structure follows the natural contours of the ground, mitigating the need for site levelling or concrete foundations
- Hanging or Post systems have the potential to reduce labor requirements by improving working conditions and picking speed.