Grafted Plants

TriHishtil Grafted Plants
Strong Roots. Strong Plants.
Tri-Hishtil is an international partnership of TriEst Ag Group, Inc. in the USA; Israel-based Hishtil, and Italian-owned and operated SIS/Centro SEIA. Together, they bring decades of worldwide agricultural experience in plant-grafting, production, and soil management.
Tri-Hishtil is devoted to growing high quality grafted plants that offer growers soil borne disease resistance and positive yield effects. They specialize in the greenhouse production of grafted vegetable plants with a focus on watermelons, tomatoes, cantaloupes, peppers and eggplants.

Grafting is a very detailed procedure whereby a growth booster (the rootstock) is combined with a promise (the scion).
The actual grafting of vegetables with soft tissue stems is an extremely sensitive process, but results in a strong plant with resistance against specific soil-borne diseases.
The Advantages of Grafted Plants
- A reduction in crop rotation measures
- Increased vigor of the plants (and subsequently the actual yield)
- A reduction in susceptibility to soil-borne diseases
- The potential to reuse farmland restricted from fumigation use due to regulations
Watermelon Advantages
Grafted Watermelons Growing strong.
- Fusarium Wilt Resistance
- Decrease in field rotations
- Decrease in plant population
- Superior plant and fruit quality
- Longer harvesting window
- Positive effects on yield
- Decrease in occurrences of hollow heart
- Nematode resistant (rootstock dependent)
Grafted Watermelon Plants Available In:
- Conventional and Certified Organic grafted plants
- Grown in a 128-cell vacuum formed tray

Tomato Advantages

Open Field.
- Bacterial Wilt tolerance
- Fusarium Wilt and other soil born disease tolerance
- Nematode tolerance
- Decrease in field rotations
- Improved fruit quality
- Positive effects on yield
- Increase in vigor

High Tunnel.
- Vigor
- Disease tolerance
- Nematode tolerance
- Positive effects on yield
- Longer growing period
- Improved fruit quality
- Increase in vigor

- Vigor
- Disease tolerance
- Nematode tolerance
- Positive effects on yield
- Year-round availability
- Improved fruit quality
- Increase in vigor
Grafted Tomato Plants Available In:
- Conventional and Certified Organic grafted plants
- Grown in a 128-cell vacuum formed tray